He Has to Want…

Last night on the bus was incredible. We met lots of new faces. We met people from all walks of life.  The Lord sent just the right people in his perfect timing. Lots of people were fed physically and more important spiritually. We gave out lots of Bibles and hygiene packs. We met up with Bradley. We have seen him on the streets for years now. However, we have not seen him in about seven months. The drugs have taken a toll on him. He was high while we were talking to him. It is so sad to see. However, Bradley has to want to live. He has to want to get well. The Lord is ready to rescue him from the dominion of darkness. He has to want to be sober. Please pray for Bradley and all the others we encountered last night. So many people are hurting. So many people are struggling. Yet, the Lord is so faithful. He is mighty to save. Bless you! Join us next week!