Touching Night

Incredible night. We met a wide variety of folks, carrying different burdens in their life. From the young couple who are homeless, to the guy working multiple jobs to care for his sick wife. The night was simply touching. You truly never know what folks are going through until you invest time in their lives. So many bibles, hygiene packs, clothing, gloves and pizza was handed out last night. We met a interesting guy and his dog. He had some pretty wild stories to tell us about his life. His dog was quite the character! He could literally open water bottles and drinks them. We ended the night celebrating Katelynne’s birthday on the bus. She turned 15. We are thankful for the opportunity to pour into her life every week. She is a blessing. Thankful for people who came out to serve with us last night. Thankful for my mom and stepdad who joined us last night. Thankful for new church partnerships. Thankful for the Gospel that changes lives daily. Bless you!