Prostitutes and Pimps

Great night on the bus. It was a late evening but worth it. So many witnessing opportunities took place. We actually got to meet up with some of the same folks from last week. The hotel was pretty empty, yet people we’re walking over from nearby hotels to see what we are about. The pimps were not real thrilled that we were there. We were able to witness to Kevin again! Personally was very touched to hear the testimony of my friend on the bus, he poured his story into Kevin. It was very powerful. I had never heard it before. God’s redeeming grace is so sufficient in our weakness. Kevin told us he wanted to go back with us (we were going to get him into housing, and get him the resources to get in him on his feet). He told us he would return in 45 min, so we waited at Quicktrip. Yet he did not return. Just as God is at work in his life, the enemy is working overtime trying to keep Kevin down, trying to make him feel unworthy, helpless, etc. That’s how Satan works, he is a deceiver, and the god of this age.  Waiting Over an hour for Kevin to return, can cause one to get frustrated. Yet, we know how much more patiently the Father Jesus Christ waits for all of us to make decisions to glorify him in this life. We must show the same Grace that he displayed to us in the fact that, “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Please continue to pray for Kevin, he is close to leaving the streets. It will happen in the future. To get involved please reach out to us. We can always use more women to serve with us. You are welcome to join us. Come and see what God is doing. He will make a believer out of you. He is mighty to save. Bless you.